Back By Popular Demand - Doom Vinyl and Board Game
So many of you have requested - nay, demanded - that we get more stock of the incredibly popular Doom Vinyl Soundtrack and Doom: The Board Game, and we are pleased to announce that it has finally happened.
For those unaccustomed to Doom (though I'm sure there aren't many out there), the video game comprises a soldier (the Doom Marine) running around a Martian base while attempting to blast a variety of demons back to Hell. The original video game was wildly successful, immediately establishing itself as a cornerstone in gaming history and culture, and spawning a number of sequels and remakes.
With these two products, fans can celebrate Doom in new ways - by enjoying the industrial metal soundtrack and by playing the analog, video game inspired board game.
You asked for these to be restocked, and we listened friends. Don't hesitate to grab these ASAP because we don't know when another restock will come on these awesome items. Order yours now!